Friday, 11 April 2014

Sheen (ex-band from London)

Hi you y'all, all the bits for the Sheen CD arrived this week so I should get them done this weekend (maybe...I'm going to see Midnight Woolf on Sunday).

Anyway, if you really can't wait you can buy a boring old download from here.

Also, they sent me the 'thank you' list they wanted in the CD too just read it on that link above...ok?! (Sorry Sheen).

Also, my pal Dave helped me out with the more computery stuff on this one...people kept asking me about DPI...I told them, I'm not into that, my back door is one-way only, baby!!
Anyway, you can get his help too ...he's so talented that if he wasn't my pal I'd be sick in his letter box, and I'm not talking 'DPI'...!?
...oh, and this is his fave song...
